I have been working successfully with the C# OpenXml SDK (Unofficial Microsoft Package 2.5 from NuGet) for some time now, but have recently noticed that the following line of code returns different results depending on what mood Microsoft Word appears to be in when the file gets saved:
var fields = document.Descendants<FieldCode>();
From what I can tell, when creating the document in the first place (using Word 2013 on Windows 8.1) if you use the Insert->QuickParts->Field and choose MergeField from the Field names left hand pane, and then provide a Field name in the field properties and click OK then the field code is correctly saved in the document as I would expect.
Then when using the aforementioned line of code I will receive a field code count of 1 field. If I subsequently edit this document (and even leave this field well alone) the subsequent saving could mean that this field code no longer is returned in my query.
Another case of the same curiousness is when I see the FieldCode nodes split across multiple items. So rather than seeing say:
As the node name, I will see:
Split as two FieldCode node values. I have no idea why this would be the case, but it certainly makes my ability to match nodes that much more exciting. Is this expected behaviour? A known bug? I don't really want to have to crack open the raw xml and edit this document to work until I understand what is going on. Many thanks all.