I'm using the Scopus API made by Elsevier. http://dev.elsevier.com/sc_apis.html
I've written a short python scrip to extract information about papers such as the title, DOI number and the DOI numbers of papers citing the paper in question.
However what I would really like is to be able to extract the DOI numbers of papers that are referenced in the paper I'm extracting information from.
Here is a the important parts of my code so far
paper_info_search = requests.get(api_resource + 'query=doi(10.1016/j.fusengdes.2015.04.018)', headers=headers)
This extracts lots of information on the paper (title, authors etc)
citations_of_paper = requests.get(api_resource + 'query=refeid(' + EID + ')', headers=headers)
The get the list of papers citing the paper in question
Does anyone know how to get the reference that appear in this paper.