Here I create a producer-customer program,the parent process(producer) create many child process(consumer),then parent process read file and pass data to child process.
but , here comes a performance problem,pass message between process cost too much time (I think).
for an example ,a 200MB original data ,parent process read and pretreat will cost less then 8 seconds , than just pass data to child process by multiprocess.pipe will cost another 8 seconds , and child processes do the remain work just cost another 3 ~ 4 seconds.
so ,a complete work flow cost less than 18 seconds ,and more than 40% time cost on communication between process , it is much bigger than I used think about ,and I tried multiprocess.Queue and Manager ,they are worse.
I works with windows7 / Python3.4. I had google for several days , and POSH maybe a good solution , but it can't build with python3.4
there I have 3 ways: there any way can share python object direct between process in Python3.4 ? as POSH
or it possable pass the "pointer" of an object to child process and child process can recovery the "pointer" to python object?
3.multiprocess.Array may be a valid solution , but if I want share complex data structure, such as list, how it works? should I make a new class base on it and provide interfaces as list?
I tried the 3rd way,but it works worse.
I defined those value:
p_pos = multiprocessing.Value('i') #producer write position
c_pos = multiprocessing.Value('i') #customer read position
databuff = multiprocess.Array('c',buff_len) # shared buffer
and two function:
in send_data function(parent process),it copies msg to databuff , and send the start and end position (two integer)to child process via pipe.
than in get_data function (child process) ,it received the two position and copy the msg from databuff.
in final,it cost twice than just use pipe @_@
Edit 2:
Yes , I tried Cython ,and the result looks good.
I just changed my python script's suffix to .pyx and compile it ,and the program speed up for 15%.
No doubt , I met the " Unable to find vcvarsall.bat" and " The system cannot find the file specified" error , and I cost whole day for solved the first one , and blocked by the second one.
Finally , I found Cyther , and all troubles gone ^_^.