ContactPerson has a relation to FrontendUser and is the owning side of the relation. Now I have following problem:
I am activating/deactivating the FrontendUsers in a task, based on the ContactPersons which are active. When the FrontendUser is disabled or deleted the result of contactPerson->getFrontendUser() is null, even if both repositories ignoreEnableFields:
/** @var Typo3QuerySettings $querySettings */
$querySettings = $this->objectManager->get(Typo3QuerySettings::class);
$debugContactPerson = $this->contactPersonRepository->findOneByContactPersonIdAndIncludeDeletedAndHidden('634');
$debugFrontendUser = $this->frontendUserRepository->findOneByUid(7);
'$debugContactPerson' => $debugContactPerson,
'$debugFrontendUser' => $debugFrontendUser,
P.s.: $this->frontendUserRepository->findByUid(7);
also doesn't work because it isn't using the query, but persistenceManager->getObjectByIdentifier(...
which is of course ignoring the query-settings.
The problem is, in my real code I can't use findOneByUid(), because I can't get the integer-Value(uid) in the frontend_user field of the contact_person.
Any way to solve this without using a raw query to get the contact_person-row?
My (yes raw query) Solution:
Because I didn't want to write an own QueryFactory and I didn't want to add a redundant field to my contactPerson I solved it now with a raw statement. Maybe it can help someone with the same problem:
class FrontendUserRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Repository\FrontendUserRepository
* @param \Vendor\ExtKey\Domain\Model\ContactPerson $contactPerson
* @return Object
public function findByContactPersonByRawQuery(ContactPerson $contactPerson){
$query = $this->createQuery();
"SELECT fe_users.* FROM fe_users" .
" LEFT JOIN tx_extkey_domain_model_contactperson contact_person ON contact_person.frontend_user = fe_users.uid" .
" WHERE contact_person.uid = " . $contactPerson->getUid()
return $query->execute()->getFirst();