Lets say I have two Models with a has_many-belongs_to relation. The has_many has a scope defined and an integer attribute named grade.
class Parent < ApplicationRecord
has_many :children
scope :great, -> (min_grade) {where("grade > :grade", grade: min_grade)}
class Child < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :parent
I want to create an scope on the child model, that uses the scope of the parent model.
Is there anyhow so that I can use the definition of scope on Parent?
Current solution
The way I'm doing it right now is
class Child < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :parent
scope :wit_great_parent, -> (min_grade) {
join(:parent).where("grade > :grade", grade: min_grade)}
However, I'm copying the where clause in both places.
Is there anyhow to call the Parent scope from the child model?
return nil if parent.grade > min_grade
? – Blandish