Most likely what is happening is that Gmail is picking up on an image or other element that is not responsive (e.g. set to width="600"
, but not with the additional responsive code, style="width:100%;height:auto;max-width:600px;"
In this case, you need to fix up the unresponsive elements, and then Gmail won't feel the need to resize your text.
Gmail will now accept media queries, so you can setup the following in the <head>
<style type="text/css">
@media screen and (max-width: 620px) {
Having said that, Gmail behaves differently if you are not using their native email, but your own domain (the term: GANGA). The key here is that customers with these types of Gmail emails will have the @media
query stripped (and all embedded CSS).
Also Gmail will strip out the entire <style>...</style>
section if you have invalid code in there, or code it doesn't accept such as the attribute selector, e.g. img[class="header"]
(from Email on Acid)
Nevertheless even for GANGA type Gmail users it is certainly possible to render perfectly legible text (i.e. have responsive emails). Use the 'hybrid' method if you have complex 2 or 3 column emails - otherwise, check your images, or really long URLs (break up URLs with <wbr>