We have an application that executes different queries. It starts up to four threads, and runs the extractions on them.
That part looks like this:
if len(self.threads) == 4:
return False
self.threads.append(Extractor(self.ui, base))
return True
Our Extractor
class inherits QThread
class Extractor(QThread):
def init(self, ui, base):
self.ui = ui
self.base = base
def run(self):
and self.ui
is set to Ui_MainWindow()
class Cont(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.ui = Ui_MainWindow()
There is a specific base that sends data to the user (back to the main window) before proceeding (in this case, a pop-up with two buttons):
#This code is in the main file inside a method, not in the Extractor class
msg_box = QMessagebox()
msg_box.setText('Quantity in base: '.format(n))
msg_box.setInformativeText('Would you like to continue?')
msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel)
signal = msg_box.exec_()
How can I pause the thread at a certain point, display the window (which I believe would be returning to the main thread) and return to the worker thread, passing the button clicked event?
I read a bit about signals but it seems confusing as it is my first time dealing with threads.
Edit: After reading this question: Similar question, I altered the code to this:
On a method inside of the Cont class
thread = QThread(self)
worker = Worker()
thread.started.connect(worker.process()) # This, unlike in the linked question..
#doesn't work if I remove the parentheses of the process function.
#If I remove it, nothing happens and I get QThread: "Destroyed while thread is still running"
def bv_test(self, n):
k = QMessageBox()
k.setText('Quantity: {}'.format(n))
k.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No)
ret = k.exec_()
return ret
and this is the Worker
class Worker(QObject):
bv = pyqtSignal(int)
def process(self):
Now I just need to figure out how to send the ret
value back to the worker thread so it starts the second process. I also keep getting this error:
TypeError: connect() slot argument should be a callable or a signal, not 'NoneType'