I am having an issue with a protractor test. It was working, but now (even thought nothing has changed) it is not. The test is just opening the app (web application) and clicking on a button to download an image. The download should start straight away. The problem is that the next instruction after the download event throws an exception, Failed: chrome not reachable. I am using the latest chrome and chrome driver versions.
The capabilites section for protractor is like this:
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
loggingPrefs: { browser: 'ALL' },
chromeOptions: {
args: ['--headless', '--window-size=1240,780'],
I am reading about using DevTools to enable downloads in headless mode (Page.setDownloadBehavior), but so far no luck.
Does anybody have this issue too? Any clue how to fix it?