(This is a modified crosspost of https://mcmap.net/q/1461840/-how-to-provide-reproducible-sample-data-in-julia)
might not work as expected for DataFrames.
Here is one way to mimic the behaviour of R's dput
for DataFrames in Julia:
julia> using DataFrames
julia> using Random; Random.seed!(0);
julia> df = DataFrame(a = rand(3), b = rand(1:10, 3))
3×2 DataFrame
Row │ a b
│ Float64 Int64
1 │ 0.405699 1
2 │ 0.0685458 7
3 │ 0.862141 2
julia> repr(df) # Attempting with repr()
"3×2 DataFrame\n Row │ a b\n │ Float64 Int64\n─────┼──────────────────\n 1 │ 0.405699 1\n 2 │ 0.0685458 7\n 3 │ 0.862141 2"
julia> julian_dput(x) = invoke(show, Tuple{typeof(stdout), Any}, stdout, df);
julia> julian_dput(df)
DataFrame(AbstractVector[[0.4056994708920292, 0.06854582438651502, 0.8621408571954849], [1, 7, 2]], DataFrames.Index(Dict(:a => 1, :b => 2), [:a, :b]))
That is, julian_dput()
takes a DataFrame as input and returns a string that can generate the input.
Source: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/given-an-object-return-julia-code-that-defines-the-object/80579/12