I came across the same question / problem, and came to the same conclusion as @Dan Crews. The cursor must contain everything you need to execute the database query, except for LIMIT
When your initial query is something like
FROM DataTable
WHERE filterField = 42
ORDER BY sortingField,ASC
-- with implicit OFFSET 0
then you could basically (don't do this in a real app, because of SQL Injections!) use exactly this query as your cursor. You just have to remove LIMIT x
and append OFFSET y
for every node.
edges: [
cursor: "SELECT ... WHERE ... ORDER BY ... OFFSET 0",
node: { ... }
cursor: "SELECT ... WHERE ... ORDER BY ... OFFSET 1",
node: { ... }
cursor: "SELECT ... WHERE ... ORDER BY ... OFFSET 9",
node: { ... }
pageInfo: {
startCursor: "SELECT ... WHERE ... ORDER BY ... OFFSET 0"
endCursor: "SELECT ... WHERE ... ORDER BY ... OFFSET 9"
The next request will then use after: CURSOR, first: 10
. Then you'll take the after
argument and set the LIMIT
LIMIT = first
Then the resulting database query would be this when using after = endCursor
FROM DataTable
WHERE filterField = 42
ORDER BY sortingField,ASC
As already mentioned above: This is only an example, and it's highly vulnerable to SQL Injections!
In a real world app, you could simply encode the provided filter
and orderBy
arguments within the cursor, and add offset
as well:
function handleGraphQLRequest(first, after, filter, orderBy) {
let offset = 0; // initial offset, if after isn't provided
if(after != null) {
// combination of after + filter/orderBy is not allowed!
if(filter != null || orderBy != null) {
throw new Error("You can't combine after with filter and/or orderBy");
// parse filter, orderBy, offset from after cursor
cursorData = fromBase64String(after);
filter = cursorData.filter;
orderBy = cursorData.orderBy;
offset = cursorData.offset;
const databaseResult = executeDatabaseQuery(
filter, // = WHERE ...
orderBy, // = ORDER BY ...
first, // = LIMIT ...
offset // = OFFSET ...
const edges = []; // this is the resulting edges array
let currentOffset = offset; // this is used to calc the offset for each node
for(let node of databaseResult.nodes) { // iterate over the database results
const currentCursor = createCursorForNode(filter, orderBy, currentOffset);
cursor = currentCursor,
node = node
return {
edges: edges,
pageInfo: buildPageInfo(edges, totalCount, offset) // instead of
// of providing totalCount, you could also fetch (limit+1) from
// database to check if there is a next page available
// this function returns the cursor string
function createCursorForNode(filter, orderBy, offset) {
return toBase64String({
filter: filter,
orderBy: orderBy,
offset: offset
// function to build pageInfo object
function buildPageInfo(edges, totalCount, offset) {
return {
startCursor: edges.length ? edges[0].cursor : null,
endCursor: edges.length ? edges[edges.length - 1].cursor : null,
hasPreviousPage: offset > 0 && totalCount > 0,
hasNextPage: offset + edges.length < totalCount
The content of cursor
depends mainly on your database and you database layout.
The code above emulates a simple pagination with limit and offset. But you could (if supported by your database) of course use something else.