Actually, since meta/recipes-devtools/gcc
contains the available cross-compiler versions but no information about the one that is being built, you can check the current cross-compiler version by executing the following commands:
bitbake -e | grep "^GCCVERSION="
In order to check out the build system's toolchain configuration, you can refer to the variable TCMODE
(it should be set in the distro configuration file; e.g. poky.conf
), you can retrieve its actual value by issuing the commands below:
bitbake -e | grep "^TCMODE="
Then, you will find the GCCVERSION
, along with the rest of the toolchain configuration variables, in poky/meta/conf/distro/include/tcmode-${TCMODE}.conf
. Note that the variables inside the aforementioned file can be overwritten or reassigned in other configuration files such as conf/local.conf
(that's why bitbake -e
should be used to retrieve its real value instead).
In the case you are using the SDK
If you're using the Yocto-generated SDK, you can just execute <cross-compiler> --version
, e.g.:
arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version
To check the name of the cross-compiler that is being used in your build system, you can:
bitbake -e | grep "^export CC="
For further information refer to
bitbake -e | grep "^export CC="
It shows me :export CC="arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv7-a -marm -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a5 --sysroot=/home/gaston/linux4sam/poky/build-microchip/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/defaultpkgname/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot"
To check the version of Cross cmpiler I taped this :arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version
but It tells me :arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc: command not found
– Scleroderma