I'm using actix-web to create a httpserver with state/data embedded in it. But vscode show me that the create_app
function has wrong arguments in its return value type definition App<AppState>
pub struct App<T, B>
wrong number of type arguments: expected 2, found 1
expected 2 type argumentsrustc(E0107)
use crate::api;
use crate::model::DbExecutor;
use actix::prelude::Addr;
use actix_web::{error, http::Method, middleware::Logger, web, App, HttpResponse};
pub struct AppState {
pub db: Addr<DbExecutor>,
pub fn create_app(db: Addr<DbExecutor>) -> App<AppState> {
App::new().data(AppState { db }).service(
fn main() {
HttpServer::new(move || app::create_app(addr.clone()))
.expect("Can not bind to ''")
As return type of "service" method is "Self" which is type actix_web::App, I tried modify return type to App (without generic parameter) but still got error, what should I do?