I am wondering about something. I work with a lof of SQL servers, to which I need to connect several times a day. Unfortunately there are quite a lot of them and I constantly need to check the IPs and select them by IPs. Each server belongs to a different customer, none are mine and none are local.
what I'm looking for is the ability to give them names/aliases in my SSMS application, so that when I go to connect Object explorer and get the server login screen, I don't have under "server name" a list of IP addresses, but names/aliases, that I create for my purposes only. Just as a display option, so that others' ability to connect to the servers or use them remains completely unaffected. So that instead of having a bunch of 192.168........., I could see for example: "Cust1_Prod, Cust2_Prod, Cust1_Test, Cust2_Test" aliases as I please.
Any advise would be appreciated.