I am looking for away to do "lazy rendering" with RxJS in Angular, what I want to achieve is the following:
<div *ngFor="let item of items$ | async">
and in the component I have:
export class ItemsComponent implements OnInit {
public items$: Observable<Item[]>;
constructor(private setStore: SetStore){}
ngOnInit() {
const setId = 1;
this.items$ = this.setStore.sets$.pipe(map(sets => sets.find(set => set.id = 1).items));
And this works fine but when the set has +50 items, the rendering takes time and it freeze's for a second or more. I was looking for a way to do it lazy by somehow rendering first 30 items and then do load the next 30 after 500ms and so on until the list reach's its end.
Edit: I have tried this approach:
const _items$ = this.setStore.sets$.pipe(
map(sets => sets.find(set => set.id == 1).items)
const loadedItems = [];
_items$.subscribe(data => {
this.items$ = from(data).pipe(
concatMap(item => {
return of(loadedItems).pipe(delay(1));
The above works fine in terms of lazy rendering but has some disadvantages like:
- initially you don't have see any item in the page
- items are loaded one by one every 1ms, not in batch
The above codes are not tested, if needed I can provide a sample
in your*ngFor
. but real solutions are indeed pagination and virtual scroll – DirectionaltrackBy
but yet not the performance are poor – Spoilage