So initially, I was concerned about hitting this upper limit of 30-concurrent-actions leading to a poor user experience. However, if you break it down math-wise? Here's the reality:
30 actions / second translates into 1800/minute, or 108,000/hour.
To see how close you are to that upper limit? You could simply check the version history of your Google Sheet spreadsheet to see how many operations are taking place per hour. Once you start to hit the several-thousand-per-hour point on a consistent basis? Only THEN are you at a point where MAYBE you'll start running into so many operations taking place simultaneously that it could degrade the user experience. In which case, it may be time to migrate to a more robust solution that can handle more scale and concurrency.
The exception to using that crude approach would be if your actions don't happen at random times; but instead, in response to certain events (like lots of social media posts in response to a celebrity post), at specific peak times or times of day (like some kind of calendar scheduling app or something), etc. But if your user actions are distributed at somewhat random points in the day, that crude "check your Google Sheet version history" approach can help you to identify when it's ACTUALLY time to start migrating to a more robust database, vs. prematurely optimizing and over-engineering for a scale + volume of usage that simply isn't there yet for your product.