AWS S3 health check is one of the built-in health check services provided by .NET Core. It is available in AspNetCore.HealthChecks.Aws
nuget package and presumably can be used like the following code snippet:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddHealthChecks().AddS3("WHAT SHOULD GO HERE");
After searching a lot, I could not find an example or a sample displaying its usage, even on Microsoft's website.
This is a ASP.NET Core Web API project written in c#.
bo => bo = new S3BucketOptions { AccessKey = "bob"; }
(your code) andbo => bo.AccessKey = "bob"
do very different things. – VidiconbucketOptions => bucketOptions.AccesKey = "hello"
) and what you were doing in your revised question code (bucketOptions => bucketOptions = new S3bucketOptions { AccessKey = "hello" };
). – Vidicon