How do I change the screen brightness in windows using python, without using any extra python packages? I'd also like a way of getting what the screen brightness is currently at. I'm thinking that will need to be by using ctypes, but I can't find any information on how to do it.
It annoys me the way the screen brightness buttons on windows adjust the screen brightness in very large increments, so I made a python tkinter program to display the current screen brightness on the taskbar and when I scroll the mouse wheel on the tkinter window it changes the screen brightness:
import subprocess
from tkinter import Canvas, Tk
win = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(win, bg = "#101010", highlightthickness = 0)
canvas.pack(fill = "both", expand = True)
def trim(string, l = None, r = None, include = False, flip = False):
string = str(string)
if l and l in string:
string = string[(string.rindex(l) if flip else string.index(l)) + (0 if include else len(l)):]
if r and r in string:
string = string[:(string.index(r) if flip else string.rindex(r)) + (len(r) if include else 0)]
return string
def set_screen_brightness():
f"(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,{current_brightness})"],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell = True)
def get_screen_brightness():
value = subprocess.check_output(
["powershell", f"Get-Ciminstance -Namespace root/WMI -ClassName WmiMonitorBrightness"],
shell = True)
return int(trim(value, l = "CurrentBrightness : ", r = r"\r\nInstanceName : "))
current_brightness = get_screen_brightness()
brightness_text = canvas.create_text(30, 25, text = current_brightness,
font = ("Segue ui", 14, "bold"), fill = "White", anchor = "w")
sw, sh = win.winfo_screenwidth(), win.winfo_screenheight()
win.geometry(f"69x50+{sw - 505}+{sh - 49}")
def mouse_wheel_screen_brightness(scroll):
global current_brightness, mouse_wheel_screen_brightness_wa
if "mouse_wheel_screen_brightness_wa" in globals():
current_brightness += 2 if scroll else -2
if current_brightness < 0: current_brightness = 0
if current_brightness > 100: current_brightness = 100
canvas.itemconfig(brightness_text, text = current_brightness)
mouse_wheel_screen_brightness_wa = win.after(100, lambda: set_screen_brightness())
win.bind("<MouseWheel>", lambda e: mouse_wheel_screen_brightness( > 0))
def topmost():
win.attributes("-topmost", True)
win.after(100, topmost)
I'm sure there must be a fast way of changing the screen brightness in ctypes, without any extra python packages. With using a subprocess call to Powershell the screen brightness text keeps freezing. I want to do it without using any extra python packages because when I try to install a python package it says that there was a problem confirming the ssl certificate. I googled it and tried to fix it, but I can't get it to work.