I want to debug some SCSS in NEXT.JS but I can't. I made some research for it but I couldn't find any solution. When I use @debug on a SCSS-module then I won't get an output in the console. Must I activate something in the next.config.js or isn't it possible to debug SCSS in NEXT.JS?
.mainImageFragment {
$floatingFragments: ((translate(-5em, -4em), 33deg),
(translate(1.75em, -8em), -80deg),
(translate(-5em, -1em), -25deg),
(translate(1.5em, -5em), 30deg),
(translate(5em, -7em), -70deg),
(translate(5em, 1em), 200deg),
(translate(-7em, 0.5em), 170deg),
(translate(-5em, -3em), -5deg),
(translate(2em, -2.8em), 10deg));
@debug 'hello sass';
@for $i from 1 to length($floatingFragments) {
$fragment: nth($floatingFragments, $i);
$translate: nth($fragment, 1);
$rotate: nth($fragment, 2);
@debug 'hello sass';
@include floatingFragment($i, $translate, $rotate);