I'm implementing the Logout action in an application. I want that when user clicks Logout, go to Login. When the user takes this path: Login -> Home -> Settings (where he clicks on Logout) -> Login, when I press back, the app goes to the background and closes, which is the behavior I want.
However, when the user takes this route: Login -> Home -> ScreenOne -> ScreenTwo -> Home -> ScreenOne -> Settings (where you click on Logout) -> Login, when you press back, it goes back to Settings and if you press it again it goes to ScreenOne and so on .
That's the way I do the navigation to Login when I click on Logout:
navController.navigate(NavigationItem.Login.route) {
popUpTo(NavigationItem.Login.route) {
inclusive = true
Note: Already tried Navigation.Home.route as parameter on popUpTo.
I don't know if is related, but that's the way I do the navigation between Home -> ScreenOne -> ScreenTwo -> Home -> ScreenOne:
navController.navigate(item.route) {
navController.graph.startDestinationRoute?.let { route ->
popUpTo(route = route) {
saveState = true
launchSingleTop = true
restoreState = true
Does anyone knows how I can clear the back stack or guarantee that, in the second behavior, when I am on Login screen after Logout and I press "Back", the app goes to second plan?
EDIT: Added NavHost structure.
fun Navigation(navController: NavHostController, updateBottomBarVisibility: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
navController = navController,
startDestination = NavigationItem.Login.route
) {
composable(route = NavigationItem.Login.route) {
composable(route = NavigationItem.Events.route) {
EventsScreen(updateBottomBarVisibility, navController)
composable(route = NavigationItem.Home.route) {
HomeScreen(updateBottomBarVisibility, navController)
composable(route = NavigationItem.Prizes.route) {
PrizesScreen(updateBottomBarVisibility, navController)
composable(route = NavigationItem.Account.route) {