I get this error when attempting to do >> or >>= on a BigInt:
no implementation for `BigInt >> BigInt
using the num_bigint::BigInt
Edit: More Context:
I am rewriting this program https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-generate-large-prime-numbers-for-rsa-algorithm/ from python/c++ into rust however I will focus on the python implementation as it is written to handle 1024 bit prime numbers which are extremely big.
Update: I have completed a rust implementation https://github.com/dzyphr/Rust_Repo/blob/master/big_prime/src/main.rs
In the code we run the Miller Rabin Primality test which includes shifting EC: (prime-candidate - 1) to the right by 1 if we find that EC % 2 == 0. As I mentioned in the python implementation EC can be an incredibly large integer.
It would be convenient to be able to use the same operator in rust, if that is not possible can someone suggest an alternative?