As it seems since version 9 of swiper.js you cannot loop through your slides if you do not have more than double the slides available than slidesPerView. So for example if I want to build a slider that shows 5 products at once, and want to loop through a list of 7 products I cannot do that. If I show just 1 or 2 products at once everything is fine.
This behavior seems to come from the new loop logic they implemented. Here is my configuration for the swiper:
const params =
modules: [Autoplay, Pagination, Navigation],
autoplay: {
enabled: false,
speed: 3000,
speed: 400,
navigation: true,
enabled: true,
dynamicBullets: true,
dynamicMainBullets: 4
loop: true,
spaceBetween: 30,
centeredSlides: false,
breakpoints: {
0: {
slidesPerView: 1,
[BREAKPOINT_WIDTH.extraSmall*16]: {
slidesPerView: 3
[BREAKPOINT_WIDTH.medium*16]: {
slidesPerView: 3
[BREAKPOINT_WIDTH.large*16]: {
slidesPerView: 5
Is there an option I overlooked? Or has somebody a solution for the problem?
EDIT: As of v11 of Swiperjs this is fixed and it works again.