Rearrange groups without repeating subjects
Asked Answered



I am facing a unique situation where I have 31 students in my class and I want them to be divided into 8 groups (4 each with exception of one with only 3 members). The specific rule I am trying to follow is that no student should work with another student if they have already worked together.

I need to create three group sets (that includes 8 groups each time) for three weeks and follow this logic. Manually it is a tad complicated and I was hoping I can write a code in R to get the desired result, however I am at loss, as to how to correct the following as it is not giving me the write sequence in some cases.

# List of student names
students <- c("Student1", "Student2", "Student3", "Student4", "Student5", "Student6", "Student7", "Student8", "Student9", "Student10",
              "Student11", "Student12", "Student13", "Student14", "Student15", "Student16", "Student17", "Student18", "Student19", "Student20",
              "Student21", "Student22", "Student23", "Student24", "Student25", "Student26", "Student27", "Student28", "Student29", "Student30", "Student31")

# Number of students
num_students <- length(students)

# Number of rounds
num_rounds <- 3

# Group size
group_size <- 4

# Create an empty list to store groups
all_groups <- list()

# Function to create groups
create_groups <- function(students, group_size) {
  shuffled_students <- sample(students)
  groups <- split(shuffled_students, ceiling(seq_along(shuffled_students)/group_size))

# Loop through each round
for (round in 1:num_rounds) {
  # Create groups for the current round
  groups <- create_groups(students, group_size)
  # Append the groups to the list
  all_groups[[paste0("Round", round)]] <- groups

# Print the results
for (round in 1:num_rounds) {
  cat("Round", round, ":\n")
  print(all_groups[[paste0("Round", round)]])

And once the right sequence is found, is there a way to find out if that worked or not?

Nadinenadir answered 29/1, 2024 at 23:18 Comment(1)

You can use round-robin way to schedule the groups, for example

v <- c(1:31, NA) # `NA` is just a placeholder to create matrix representations
p <- v[1:16]
q <- v[-(1:16)]
iter <- 3

fidx1 <- function(n, k) {
  seq(1, by = k, length.out = n) %% n + 1

fidx2 <- function(n, k) {
  p <- fidx1(n, k)
  c(p[-1], p[1])

res <- lapply(
  2 * seq_len(iter) - 1,
    rbind(p[fidx1(16, k)], q[fidx2(16, k + 2)]),

and you will obtain

> res
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
[1,]    2    4    6    8   10   12   14   16
[2,]   21   27   17   23   29   19   25   31
[3,]    3    5    7    9   11   13   15    1
[4,]   24   30   20   26   NA   22   28   18

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
[1,]    2    8   14    4   10   16    6   12
[2,]   23   17   27   21   31   25   19   29
[3,]    5   11    1    7   13    3    9   15
[4,]   28   22   NA   26   20   30   24   18

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
[1,]    2   12    6   16   10    4   14    8
[2,]   25   23   21   19   17   31   29   27
[3,]    7    1   11    5   15    9    3   13
[4,]   NA   30   28   26   24   22   20   18

where each column denotes a group

Below is the checker function to exam if there exists duplicates across group sets

nodupchecker <- function(...) {
  v <- as.list(...)
  u1 <- asplit(v[[1]], 2)
  u2 <- asplit(v[[2]], 2)
  all(lengths(outer(u1, u2, Vectorize(intersect))) <= 1)

and we see no duplicates since

> all(combn(res, 2, nodupchecker))
[1] TRUE
Iodide answered 30/1, 2024 at 9:22 Comment(3)
In my reading of these results, student 5 works with student 21 in each iteration. The requirements are that "no student should work with another student if they have already worked together." There are other repeats. Or am I reading it wrong?Tear
@Tear nice catch and sorry for the typo. please check my updateIodide
Hi! Thanks for sharing this. I'm trying to understand the code. In the case of 31 elements to be grouped in groups of 4 elements I think it should be possible until 8 interactions without duplications. If I understood correctly, iter controls the number of interactions. If I raise to 4 I can get 4 matrices without duplications, but from 5 interactions on I started to get duplicated results. My assumption is correct? It should be possible up to 8 interactions without duplicated results?Bobble

You can use group movement patterns for this one instead of random sampling. This is otherwise known as the Social Golfer Problem, and Wikipedia has a applicable solution for the 32 players, 4 per group problem which lasts 10 weeks.


# You can drop the last student at the end.
dt <- data.table(students = 1:32)

dt[, week_1_group := rep(1:8, each = 4)]

# Shift students in a pattern.  First student goes to next group, 
# second student goes to previous group, third student -> group + 2 and
# fourth student stays where they are.
dt[, week_2_group := week_1_group + 
     (students %% 4 == 1) -
     (students %% 4 == 2) +
     2*(students %% 4 == 3)]
dt[week_2_group <= 0, week_2_group := 8 - week_2_group]
dt[week_2_group > 8, week_2_group := week_2_group - 8]

# And repeat for week 3, using week 2 as a starting point.
dt[, week_3_group := week_2_group + 
     (students %% 4 == 1) -
     (students %% 4 == 2) +
     2*(students %% 4 == 3)]
dt[week_3_group <= 0, week_3_group := 8 - week_3_group]
dt[week_3_group > 8, week_3_group := week_3_group - 8]

# Check this works - 4 students in each group.
dt[, .(count = .N), keyby = week_1_group]
dt[, .(count = .N), keyby = week_2_group]
dt[, .(count = .N), keyby = week_3_group]

# Don't work with the same student twice.
group_pairs <- rbindlist(list(
  dt[dt, .(students, worked_with = i.students), 
     on = .(week_1_group),
     allow.cartesian = TRUE][students != worked_with],
  dt[dt, .(students, worked_with = i.students), 
     on = .(week_2_group),
     allow.cartesian = TRUE][students != worked_with],
  dt[dt, .(students, worked_with = i.students), 
     on = .(week_3_group),
     allow.cartesian = TRUE][students != worked_with]

# Each student should have worked with 9 other unique students after 3 weeks
group_pairs[, .(count = uniqueN(worked_with),
                total = .N),
            keyby = students]

And 3 weeks worth of groups. Note these don't match the Wikipedia solution, which is generated a different way.

    students week_1_group week_2_group week_3_group
 1:        1            1            2            3
 2:        2            1            8            7
 3:        3            1            3            5
 4:        4            1            1            1
 5:        5            2            3            4
 6:        6            2            1            8
 7:        7            2            4            6
 8:        8            2            2            2
 9:        9            3            4            5
10:       10            3            2            1
11:       11            3            5            7
12:       12            3            3            3
13:       13            4            5            6
14:       14            4            3            2
15:       15            4            6            8
16:       16            4            4            4
17:       17            5            6            7
18:       18            5            4            3
19:       19            5            7            1
20:       20            5            5            5
21:       21            6            7            8
22:       22            6            5            4
23:       23            6            8            2
24:       24            6            6            6
25:       25            7            8            1
26:       26            7            6            5
27:       27            7            1            3
28:       28            7            7            7
29:       29            8            1            2
30:       30            8            7            6
31:       31            8            2            4
32:       32            8            8            8
    students week_1_group week_2_group week_3_group
Sheridansherie answered 30/1, 2024 at 6:56 Comment(1)
I learned something interesting in relation to the Social Golfer Problem. Thanks (though we should not write a comment to say thanks).Nadinenadir

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