Is it possible to embed an external PDF or TEXT document into a master PDF by using XSL-FO/XSLT?
I have xslt stylesheet to produce PDF documents. But, the input XML contains inlined TEXT or Base64 encoded PDF documents. So what I do in my HTML version of my stylesheet I extract the TEXT or PDF and dump it on disk. Then in the xslt I have this:
<xsl:when test='(n1:text/@mediaType="application/pdf") or (n1:text/@representation="B64")'>
<IFRAME name='documentFrame' id='documentFrame' WIDTH='100%' HEIGHT='65%' src='{$DOC_URI}'/>
For HTML conversion it is working perfectly. Is it possible to achieve the same result (embed document) inside a PDF? I have an XSLT for pdf generation but have been unsuccessful at accomplishing the same result.
I have tried add-ons for Apache FOP like this one (PDF Image Support):
<fox:external-document src="my-doc.pdf"/>
Apparently it is only for images.
Any hints?
Thank you