I'm storing my app settings in properties file that I use in Ant and in the Java app. Maybe it's not good pratice, but I find it very handy to avoid duplications. The file contains variables such as:
usefulstuff.dir = ${user.home}/usefulstuff
So that other people can run the program on *nix systems, provided that they have the usefulstuff folder in their home directory.
Now, the fascinating thing is that this properties file works fine in Ant (the variable gets resolved to /home/username
), while when I load the same file directly in the Java app, I get a string containing ${user.home}/usefulstuff
, which is not very useful indeed.
I load the props with this code in Ant:
<loadproperties srcFile="myProps.properties"/>
And in the Java app:
FileInputStream ins = new FileInputStream(propFilePath);
Am I missing anything? Maybe is there a better way to load properties in a Java app than load()