I'm coding a simple program to list the files .class in a directory in recursive way.
Initially I coded this:
public class Parsing{
public static void main(String[] args) {
File f=new File(".\\");
private static void readRecursive(File f) {
String[] files=f.list( new FilterByteCode());
files=new String[0];
for(String curr: files){
File currFile=new File(curr);
}//end parsing
class FilterByteCode implements FilenameFilter {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return acceptByteCode(dir);
return (null!=dir && dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory());
private boolean acceptByteCode(File dir) {
boolean res= (null!=dir && dir.exists() && dir.isFile());
return res;
But this list only the directory and subdirectories, not the file!
I solved using the FileFilter:
private static void readRecursiveFile(File f) {
File[] files=f.listFiles(new FilterByteCode2());
files=new File[0];
for(File curr: files){
class FilterByteCode2 implements FileFilter {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
if(null!=pathname && pathname.getName().endsWith(".class")){
return acceptByteCode(pathname);
return (null!=pathname && pathname.exists() && pathname.isDirectory());
private boolean acceptByteCode(File dir) {
boolean res = (null != dir && dir.exists() && dir.isFile());
return res;
and this work, listing the file .class.
I read the difference between the FileFilter and FilenameFilter but I don't found the cause of difference of behaviour.
is supposed to mean? – Adaptable