I am trying to create unit tests for a REST client that does some API calls. The client works fine in the live application, but I can't get it to run in the test case.
Apparantly, LoaderTestCase.getLoaderResultSynchronously() could be used here (at least according to Android reference, but it will not accept my loader. The code:
public void testGetEventInfo() {
// Init some vars
// Create & execute loader
RESTLoader loader = new RESTLoader(getContext(),
RESTLoader.HTTPVerb.GET, action, params, LOADER_GET_NEWS);
This yields the error getLoaderResultSynchronously(Loader) in the type LoaderTestCase is not applicable for the arguments (RESTLoader).
RESTLoader extends AsyncLoader. Note that I'm using the supportlibrary, maybe the Loader in there is incompatible? The documentation gives no information on this.
I've tried to solve this in several ways, though none seem to work:
- Registered a listener to loader. However, the callback never triggers
- Using CountdownLatch (also with a listener). Again, no trigger/countdown timeout.
- Playing around with the type template (), without success.
- Similar solutions on SO, though again failing to reach the listener.
Does anybody know why getLoaderResultSynchronously will not accept the loader? Or another clean way of testing the Loader, including a way to test return data? I can test handling the return data in a separate case, but I would also like to test the actual data.