I am trying to learn angular with PrimeNG. Here is the link https://primefaces.org/primeng/#/table.
Is it possible to also include the pipe for each column using the pipe array?
In the cols array, I would like to add another field like this.
this.cols = [
{ field: 'vin', header: 'Vin', type: 'date' },
{ field: 'year', header: 'Year', type: 'number' },
{ field: 'brand', header: 'Brand', type: 'number' },
{ field: 'color', header: 'Color'}
And then in the template, I would use it like this
<td *ngFor="let col of columns">
{{ col.type? rowData[col.field] | col.type : rowData[col.field]}}
I've tried this and it gives me template parsing errors.