I have used this item and get this error :
Missing Helper
Error: JavascriptHelper could not be found.
Error: Create the class JavascriptHelper below in file: app/View/Helper/JavascriptHelper.php
class JavascriptHelper extends AppHelper {
Well indeed, this file does not exists, and I tried to use 'Js' in my helper array.
class myClassController expend AppController {
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Js'); // and not 'Javascript');
In the code, the method $this->Javascript->codeBlock
is called to add a javascript method (in the middle of the content instead of the header) but there is no $this->Js->codeBlockcodeBlock either.
$output .= $this->Js->codeBlock("datepick('" . $htmlAttributes['id'] . "','01/01/" . $options['minYear'] . "','31/12/" . $options['maxYear'] . "');");
Could you explain me what happened to the old Javascript helper or how to get the code working?
Is there an other helper which could work with CakePHP-2.0?