I' starting to use ServiceMix and Camel and I've run through many examples.
It seems that the examples that are OSGi can be deployed in ServiceMix via hot deploy or via console, but I don't know how to deploy a project that is not an OSGI. Can it be done?
For example, I'm looking at the example project from Camel 2.10.0 called camel-example-cxf-proxy. I did some alterations and now I wanted to load it in ServiceMix. If I copy/paste to the deploy directory it is loaded but when I try to run it via osgi:start id it fails.
However if I run it from the IDE as a standalone it runs just fine and I can send and receive requests via SoapUI.
When I'm done with the examples I'll want to create my own project in eclipse and do tests in the IDE and in ServiceMix. I don't really understand the advantage of OSGi yet. SO I'm not too compelled to use OSGi for my project.
My main question is: Can I deploy a non-OSGi non-JBI compliant project in servicemix? Something like the camel-example-cxf-proxy. If yes, how can I do it? If no, how can I OSGi-fy the camel-example-cxf-proxy?
Thank you :)