is a reader macro. I don't think that you can generate expression with reader macro. For example '#(map? %)
will automatically expand into (fn* [p1__352#] (map? p1__352#))
or something similar.
Here's a somewhat relevant discussion on other reader macro.
Would it be possible to change format of the predicate? If it looked something like:
'([arg1] (map? arg1))
Then it would be trivial to make a function form it:
(cons 'fn '([arg1] (map? arg1)))
(def pred (eval (cons 'fn '([p](map? p)))))
(pred {})
(pred 10)
Now please don't hate me for what I'm going to post next. I wrote an overly simplified version of the function reader macro:
(defn get-args [p]
(filter #(.matches (str %) "%\\d*")
(flatten p)))
(defn gen-args [p]
(into []
(into (sorted-set)
(get-args p))))
(defmacro simulate-reader [p]
(let [arglist (gen-args p)
p (if (= (str (first p)) "quote")
(second p)
(list 'fn (gen-args p) p)))
Using it is very straight-forward:
((simulate-reader '(map? %)) {}) ; -> true
; or without quote
((simulate-reader (map? %)) {})
; This also works:
((simulate-reader '(+ %1 %2)) 10 5) ; -> 15
The difference with the other solution given by @Ankur is:
- I like mine less. I just thought it was a fun thing to do.
- Does not require conversion to string and then applying reader macro to it.
(map? %)
stored as data, i.e. as a list with two symbols? – Comfrey