It seems to be a common convention not to use source files for template based classes (STL and boost) and to put the implementation into the header as well. I assume that this will increase the time it takes to compile the source files that include the header drastically compared to the classic separation between declaration and implementation in header and source files. The reason why this is done is probably due to the fact that you would have to tell the compiler in the source file which templates to use, which will probably result in a bloated .a file.
Assuming the linker also requires more time as the library grows, which approach would be faster in terms of the time it takes to compile a source file that includes the library header?
1. Not using a .cpp file and put the entire class, including the implementation, into the header
template <class T>
class Foo
T bar()
T* t = NULL;
//do stuff
return *t;
2. Explicitly compiling the template for various types inside the source file of the library itself
template <class T>
class Foo
T bar();
template <class T>
T Foo<T>::bar()
T* t = NULL;
//do stuff
return *t;
template class Foo<int>;
template class Foo<float>;
template class Foo<double>;
template class Foo<long long>;