I have two windows services which use NserviceBus. One writes messages to the queue and the other reads from it and do some processing. All the queues are transactional and the NserviceBus endpoints are configured as below.
The issue is when a large amount of messages (170,000+) are queued, MSMQ service (mqsvc.exe) chews up quite a bit of memory (1.5 - 2.0 GB) and that memory doesn't get released for at least 5 - 6 hours. The average message size is around 5 - 10 KB. And it seems like the more messages you queue the more memory it uses. The NServiceBus based Windows Services memory consumption are in perfectly acceptable limits (50 - 100 MB) and do not increase no matter how many messages they process.
Any ideas on why MSMQ would use this much memory and takes quite long to release it? Thanks heaps.