I've been working on an abstract chess algorithm using Haskell (trying to expand my understanding of different paradigms), and I've hit a challenge that I've been pondering about for weeks.
Here's the problem:
Given a board (represented by a list of lists of integers; each integer represents a subsequent point value), with dimensions n x n, determine the path that provides the most points. If there is a tie for best path, return either of them.
Here are the specifics:
A = [[5,4,3,1],[10,2,1,0],[0,1,2,0],[2,3,4,20]]
which renders as:
R1: 5 4 3 1, R2: 10 2 1 0, R3: 0 1 2 0, R4: 2 3 4 20.
The rules are:
You may start anywhere on the top row
You may move one square at a time, either straight down, down-left (diagonal) , or down-right (diagonal).
The output must be a tuple of integers.
First element is a list representing the columns vs. row, and the second element is the total number of points. Eg. for the above board, the best solution is to travel from top-left (5) and go diagonally for the remaining steps (until the 20 point square). This would result in the tuple ([1,2,3,4], 29)
Remember, this is all in Haskell so it is a functional-paradigm recursive problem. At first, I was thinking about using the greedy algorithm, that is, choosing the highest value in r1, and recursing through comparing the next 3 possibilities; choosing the highest of the 3. However, the downfall is that the greedy algorithm doesn't have the ability to see potential ahead of the next row.
How would I go about this? I'm not looking for code per se, since I enjoy solving things on my own. However, pseudocode or some algorithmic guidance would be much appreciated!