I am trying to compile my project where I've declared as class members some:
icu::UnicodeString label;
icu::UnicodeString tags;
icu::UnicodeString domain;
icu::UnicodeString data;
After having included (yes it is found)
#include <unicode/unistr.h>
In my CMakeLists.txt it searches, finds and links with: icuuc icudata (libicuuc, libicudata) as the output suggests prior to throwing the errors:
-o icarus -rdynamic -lPocoNet -lPocoUtil -lPocoXML -licuuc -licudata
I have built and installed from source icu4c 50.1.2, and installed it under /usr/local/* cmake finds the libraries properly, as my errors are from the linking phase:
undefined reference to
icu_50::UnicodeString::UnicodeString()' undefined reference to
I am using gcc-4.7.2 with -std=c++0x enabled on Debian Wheezy. The exact same code did compile with gcc-4.3.2 with the same flags on Debian Squeeze last night!
I cannot for the life of me, figure out what I am doing wrong! Please help!