I have a java application which sets up a jdbc connection to an Orcale database. I am attempting to insert data into the database but am confused when it comes to the oracle NUMBER type. I have three columns in my table which are of these types respectively.
My first question is what type of java type should I put the data in, in order to use it in a prepared statement.
My second question is what set operation can I use in a prepared statement in order to insert the data.
Lets just assume we are working with NUMBER(38,0). Would I set the java type to a BigInteger? If I had an integer 1 would it be
BigInteger one = new BigInteger(1);
Then in my preparedStatement it would be
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TABLE(bigInt) VALUES(?)");
pstmt.setLong(1, one);
This seems to not work, so I assume that this is not correct. Any help would be appreciated.