** UPDATE **
Thanks to Alfred Fuller for pointing out that I need to create a manual index for this query.
Unfortunately, using the JSON API, from a .NET application, there does not appear to be an officially supported way of doing so. In fact, there does not officially appear to be a way to do this at all from an app outside of App Engine, which is strange since the Cloud Datastore API was designed to allow access to the Datastore outside of App Engine.
The closest hack I could find was to POST the index definition using RPC to http://appengine.google.com/api/datastore/index/add. Can someone give me the raw spec for how to do this exactly (i.e. URL parameters, what exactly should the body look like, etc), perhaps using Fiddler to inspect the call made by appcfg.cmd?
According to the docs, "a query can combine equality (EQUAL) filters for different properties, along with one or more inequality filters on a single property".
However, this query fails:
"query": {
"kinds": [
"name": "CodeProse.Pogo.Tests.TestPerson"
"filter": {
"compositeFilter": {
"operator": "and",
"filters": [
"propertyFilter": {
"operator": "equal",
"property": {
"name": "DepartmentCode"
"value": {
"integerValue": "123"
"propertyFilter": {
"operator": "greaterThan",
"property": {
"name": "HourlyRate"
"value": {
"doubleValue": 50
"propertyFilter": {
"operator": "lessThan",
"property": {
"name": "HourlyRate"
"value": {
"doubleValue": 100
with the following response:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "no matching index found.",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "If-Match"
"code": 412,
"message": "no matching index found."