It appears that this issue with firePHP isn't being fixed any time soon and firebug has been updated again. Tom's answer does work but as he only specified a line number that part doesn't work in the newer version of firebug as the line numbers doesn't line up with the old ones SO here is how to find the correct place to insert Tom's code:
Follow Tom's answer here:
Then when you have the consolePanel.js open you want to find this function:
filterLogRow: function(logRow, scrolledToBottom)
if (this.matchesFilter(logRow))
// Mark the groups, in which the log row is located, also as matched
for (var group = Dom.getAncestorByClass(logRow, "logRow-group"); group;
group = Dom.getAncestorByClass(group.parentNode, "logRow-group"))
Css.setClass(group, "contentMatchesFilter");
// #################################################################
// Add This line here
// #################################################################
if (typeof this.filterMatchSet == 'undefined') { this.filterMatchSet = []; }
// #################################################################
As you can see I have added some comments around the line you need to add (from Tom's answer) and you can see where it needs to go.
Hope this helps for all the updates to firebug in the near future until firePHP is fixed. :)
node is null
message, whenChrome errors
option is turned on. – Tarrel