After Googling a lot and not finding what I'm looking for I decided to ask this question.
I'm using binding variables as demonstrated in this awesome article from 2005 titled The Values That Bind by Mark A. Williams, like this:
OracleParameter p_APP_NAME =
new OracleParameter("p_APP_NAME", OracleDbType.NVarchar2, ParameterDirection.Input);
p_APP_NAME.Size = 50;
p_APP_NAME.Value = log.Application.Name;
I successfully enabled ODP.NET
debug tracing but one key info that's missing is that the logged SQL statement
doesn't show me what was the value bound to the binding variable.
It's logging OracleCommand.CommandText
but without OracleCommand.Parameters
values. It's showing me this:
TIME:2013/09/20-22:59:21:890 TID:20fc OpsSqlPrepare2(): SQL: UPDATE PS_LOG SET
What I'd really like to see are the actual values that were used in the query sent to the ORACLE server like this:
TIME:2013/09/20-22:59:21:890 TID:20fc OpsSqlPrepare2(): SQL: UPDATE PS_LOG SET
APP_NAME = 'App Name',
Am I missing some configuration or this info I want is not available when using ODP.NET
tracing capability?
If this is not built-in I guess I'll have to implement my own substitution method and log the SQL Statement
tracing. They could add a new trace level to show that info, shouldn't they? At least we have options to grab that info and this is great. I'll try these options ASAP. Thank you very much! – Unseasoned