I'm working in the internationalization/localization of web site using Globalize3 and easy_globalize_accesors and right now I'm adapting the forms to manage fields with possible translations. Suppose I have a class named Role:
class Role
translates :name, :fallbacks_for_empty_translations => true
# rest of class definition
I've done this because I want to show the default translation if there isn't a translation or is empty in the current locale and this works as expected.
But, in my form I want the opposite: I would like to have each input who refers to a different locale than default locale to show no value unless there is a value for that attribute in the role_translations table. Here is how I've created the inputs:
<%= textfield 'role', "name_#{locale}", :class => ... %>
Currently, what happens to me is if I have created a new Role with only the translation for the default locale, when I want to edit the role to add translations to other locales, each input show me the value of default translation.
Thanks in advance
at runtime is bad for the Global method cache counter. Essentially calling define_method causes every method to have to be re-looked up to see where it should be defined. Not good for performance! – Plod