I am trying to follow the sbt documentation for scaladoc generation. I have a multi project (i.e. aggregate with sub-projects) build which was a ./build.sbt
for general settings. I added the last entry in the following example:
scalacOptions in ThisBuild ++= Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-feature")
scalacOptions in ThisBuild += "-no-specialization"
// API docs
scalacOptions in ThisBuild in (Compile,doc) ++= Seq(
"-diagrams", "-doc-title", name.value
This doesn't have any effect. Neither does scaladoc attempt to generate diagrams, nor is the main document title set, so simply these settings are ignored. Likewise, if I add a "-foobar"
option, no error appears.
How to fix this (in build.sbt
, I don't want to go into project/Build.scala
, thanks)
is not seen by desktop applications. Since I run sbt from within IntelliJ IDEA,sys.env("PATH")
is almost empty. My guess is adding/usr/local/bin
to aPATH
entry in~/.MacOSX/environment.plist
might solve this. – Oquendo