I have a set of reports that are displayed in various formats using the Rails call "respond_to", such that if the URL ends in CSV or JSON, the report is generated in that format.
I had a request to make a download button to make grabbing reports easier, but since the reports have customizations like date ranges, I need to be able to submit one form and specify a response format in the form. Is this possible? How can it be done?
Form Code:
<%= form_tag('', method: 'get') do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag('s',params[:s]) %>
<%= select_tag "date_interval", options_from_collection_for_select(Admin::ReportController::DATE_INTERVALS.to_a, 'first', 'last') %>
<%= label_tag('start_at','Start at') %> <%= text_field_tag('start_at', @start_at, class: 'datetimeselect') %>
<%= label_tag('end_at','End at') %> <%= text_field_tag('end_at', @end_at, class: 'datetimeselect') %>
$('.datetimeselect').datetimepicker({format: "Y-m-d H O"});
<%= button_tag( 'HTML', :value => 'html', :name => 'run' ) %>
<%= button_tag( 'CSV', :value => 'csv', :name => 'run' ) %>
<%= button_tag( 'JSON', :value => 'json', :name => 'run' ) %>
<% end %>
Note the 3 button tags above where the value is the format and the param 'run' would be used to override the route-based formats.
Respond-to code (runs after report is generated in the controller):
def format_results
respond_to do |format|
format.html {
# default render of HTML table
format.json {
render json: { results: @results[:results], header: @results[:header], name: @results[:name], stats: { rows: @results.count } }, layout: false
format.csv {
render text: report_to_csv( @results ), content_type: 'text/csv', layout: false
When I specify the extension in the URL, that works, what I'm looking for is a way to override that using a button value in the buttons named "run" above.
Thank you in advance!
. Thank you. – Plaster