I am new to both libraries and before committing to their usage on a large project I need clarification on my options for low-code effort automocking in my unit tests.
After spending some time on Google I have concluded that, unlike some other IOC/Mocking product pairings, a ready-made plugin library is not available for LightInject+Nsubstitute to simplify the declaration of do-nothing default mocks in the arrange stage of a unit test.
I have read the LightInject docs on how to override a LightInject container with a temporary enhanced mock object just for the scope of a unit test but what about all the do-nothing default isolation mocks that a unit test might touch. Is there a way to automate their creation within the LightInject container?
The internal IOC container behaviour I am looking for is:
public class LightInject.ServiceContainer
public T GetInstance<T)
if (( this.RegisteredInterfaces.Any( i => i.Itype == T ) == false )
&& ( this.TemporaryUnitTestOverrides.Any( i => i.Itype == T ) == false ))
&& ( /* this container is configured with an automocking delegate */ ))
return autoMockCreatorDelegate<T>.Invoke();
It seems like LightInject's IProxy and Interceptors provide some internal mock object building blocks but the Nsubstitute library is full featured in comparison.
Clarification on what I mean by default do nothing mock and an enhanced mock.
// default do nothing mock
var calculator = Substitute.For<ICalculator>();
// Enhanced mock that will return 3 for .Add(1,2)
var calculator = Substitute.For<ICalculator>();
calculator.Add(1, 2).Returns(3);
Obviously the second enhanced type of mock will need to be crafted locally per unit test.