I having difficulty saving a pointer argument that my mock receives.
#define SIZE_OF_DATA
typedef struct {
uint32_t someValue1;
uint16_t someValue2;
// other values here
} LargeStruct;
class SomeClass {
// assume sendData is a generic function where data is actually pointer to a LargeStruct
void sendData(const uint8_t* data, const uint16_t size);
class MockClass : public SomeClass {
MOCK_METHOD2(sendData, void(const uint8_t*, const uint16_t));
I want to save the first argument to sendData (the pointer) and look at the data it points to (it points to a large struct, so I don't want to copy by value):
TEST(SomeFixture, sendData_checkSentDataIsValid) {
MockClass mock;
const uint8_t *pData;
EXPECT_CALL(mock, sendData(_, SIZE_OF_DATA)).WillOnce(SaveArg<0>(&pData));
// do something here that calls sendData()
// hopefully data should point to the same data that was passed in to the method
LargeStruct *ls = (LargeStruct *)pData;
// now verify that the data is ok...
// some expectations here
However, the data pointed to by pData is wrong - I think I appear to be saving the pointer value into the struct, rather than saving the pointer.
I think the problem lies in the variable I pass to SaveArg, but I can't seem to get it in a version that compiles and gives me the correct answer. Any pointers please?
return 0;
to the end of the statement block and that fixed the problem, allows compilation, but safely? (GMock 1.7.0) – Underwater