I developed an app that uses background fetch. I set the minimum interval between updates to minimum:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:UIApplicationBackgroundFetchIntervalMinimum];
I thought that this value is saved by the system, so I don't have to set it again when/if the app restarts. However, I've just noticed that the last background fetch on one of my devices was two weeks ago. I know, that the interval between updates can vary, but I don't think that two weeks is normal. Especially considering the fact that it worked for several months, calling background update every 20-30 minutes.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to get the MinimumBackgroundFetchInterval
to check my theory (does anyone know how to get it by the way?). I only checked application.backgroundRefreshStatus
, and it is equal to UIBackgroundRefreshStatusAvailable
, but I think (I'm not sure) this only means that the user allows the app to use background updates.