I've started using the clojure core.async library. I found the concepts of CSP, channels, go blocks really easy to use. However, I'm not sure if I'm using them right. I've got the following code -
(def x-ch (chan))
(def y-ch (chan))
(def w1-ch (chan))
(def w2-ch (chan))
; they all return matrices
(go (>! x-ch (Mat/* x (map #(/ 1.0 %) (max-fold x)))))
(go (>! y-ch (Mat/* y (map #(/ 1.0 %) (max-fold y)))))
(go (>! w1-ch (gen-matrix 200 300)))
(go (>! w2-ch (gen-matrix 300 100)))
(let [x1 (<!! (go (<! x-ch)))
y1 (<!! (go (<! y-ch)))
w1 (<!! (go (<! w1-ch)))
w2 (<!! (go (<! w2-ch)))]
;; do stuff w/ x1 y1 w1 w2
I've got predefined (matrix) vectors in symbols x
and y
. I need to modify both vectors before I use them. Those vectors are pretty large. I also need to generate two random matrices. Since go
macro starts the computation asyncronously, I split all four computation tasks into separate go blocks and put the consequent result into channels. Then I've got a let block where I take values from the channels and store them into symbols. They are all using blocking <!!
take functions since they're on the main thread.
What I'm trying to do basically is speed up my computation time by splitting program fragments into async processes. Is this the right way to do it?