I am trying to call a swift method, which is implemented like this:-
@objc class DataAPI: NSObject {
func makeGet(place:NSString , completionHandler: (String! , Bool!) -> Void)
var str:String = ""
let manager = AFHTTPSessionManager()
manager.GET("https://api.com", parameters: nil, success:
{ (operation, responseObject) -> Void in
str = "JSON: \(responseObject!.description)"
completionHandler(str,false) //str as response json, false as error value
failure: { (operation,error: NSError!) in
str = "Error: \(error.localizedDescription)"
Now when I am trying to call it in my Objective C class, it is throwing an error "No Visible interface for DataAPI declares selector makeGet:completionHandler"
This is how I am calling the method in my Objective C class:-
[[DataAPI new] makeGet:@"" completionHandler:^{