XML is a tree-like structure, while a Pandas DataFrame is a 2D table-like structure. So there is no automatic way to convert between the two. You have to understand the XML structure and know how you want to map its data onto a 2D table.
Thus, every XML-to-DataFrame problem is different.
Your XML has 2 DataSets, each containing a number of Series. Each Series contains a number of Obs elements.
Each Series has a NAME attribute, and each Obs has OBS_STATUS, TIME_PERIOD and OBS_VALUE attributes. So perhaps it would be reasonable to create a table with NAME, OBS_STATUS, TIME_PERIOD, and OBS_VALUE columns.
I found pulling the desired data out of the XML a bit complicated, which makes me doubtful that I've found the best way to do it. But here is one way (PS. Thomas Maloney's idea of starting with the 2D table-like XLS data should be way simpler):
import lxml.etree as ET
import pandas as pd
path = 'feds200628.xml'
def fast_iter(context, func, *args, **kwargs):
Based on Liza Daly's fast_iter
See also http://effbot.org/zone/element-iterparse.htm
https://mcmap.net/q/196988/-using-python-iterparse-for-large-xml-files (unutbu)
for event, elem in context:
func(elem, *args, **kwargs)
# It's safe to call clear() here because no descendants will be
# accessed
# Also eliminate now-empty references from the root node to elem
for ancestor in elem.xpath('ancestor-or-self::*'):
while ancestor.getprevious() is not None:
del ancestor.getparent()[0]
del context
data = list()
columns = ['NAME'] + obs_keys
def process_obs(elem, name):
dct = elem.attrib
# print(dct)
data.append([name] + [dct[key] for key in obs_keys])
def process_series(elem):
dct = elem.attrib
# print(dct)
context = ET.iterwalk(
elem, events=('end', ),
fast_iter(context, process_obs, dct['SERIES_NAME'])
def process_dataset(elem):
nsmap = elem.nsmap
# print(nsmap)
context = ET.iterwalk(
elem, events=('end', ),
fast_iter(context, process_series)
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
context = ET.iterparse(
f, events=('end', ),
fast_iter(context, process_dataset)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
0 SVENY01 A 1961-06-14 2.9825
1 SVENY01 A 1961-06-15 2.9941
2 SVENY01 A 1961-06-16 3.0012
3 SVENY01 A 1961-06-19 2.9949
4 SVENY01 A 1961-06-20 2.9833
5 SVENY01 A 1961-06-21 2.9993
6 SVENY01 A 1961-06-22 2.9837
1029410 TAU2 A 2014-09-19 3.72896779
1029411 TAU2 A 2014-09-22 3.12836171
1029412 TAU2 A 2014-09-23 3.20146575
1029413 TAU2 A 2014-09-24 3.29972110