Ok, let's get creative... You essentially need a way to remember (across backtracking) that the If-condition had at least one solution. Dynamic predicates are a no-no for me, but are there any alternatives? Well, ISO-Prolog defines one kind of anonymous object, the stream-term, which could be (ab)used to implement the non-backtrackable flag in this rather elegant way:
if(If, Then, Else) :-
open(., read, S),
close(S, [force(true)]),
catch(close(S), error(existence_error(stream,_),_), fail), % fail if already closed
We close the stream to indicate that If
had a solution, and this is then detected by the close-attempt in the else branch. This works perfectly and leak-free in a system like ECLiPSe. However, many systems (including XSB) re-use the identifiers of closed streams (which is not forbidden by ISO), making this solution non-portable.
But wait, streams have a position property, which can be set, and which retains its value across backtracking! Using this trick, the following works on XSB:
if(If, Then, Else) :-
% open('ReadableAndNonemptyFile', read, S), % general ISO
open(atom(a), read, S), % XSB (needs no file)
stream_property(S, position(Zero)),
get_char(S, _),
catch(If, Ball, (close(S),throw(Ball))),
set_stream_position(S, Zero),
; stream_property(S, position(Zero)) ->
Sadly, the open(atom(...),...)
feature is XSB-specific, for strict ISO-Prolog you need a dummy file...
for this, like SICStus does. Also, why do you need this construct? Note that you do not get monotonicity with it. It has similar flaws like Prolog style negation has. – Plagiarize