I am facing an issue with Companion Objects picking up its type instead of the case class
I am using spray json serdes. They need an implicit JsonFormat. This format is obtained by calling a function that depends on the number of parameters of the case class: jsonFormat2(Class2) if case class has two fields, like
case class Class2(a: String, b: Integer)
or jsonFormat3(Class3) for
case class Class3(a: String, b: Integer, c: Long)
Given that having to know the number of params your case class have throughout the code is not nice, I wanted to make a case class companion object so you can encapsulate this info and get the JsonFormat from the class itself, like:
object Class2 extends DefaultJsonProtocol
def getJsonFormat() = {
But if I do so, I'll get the following compilation issue:
type mismatch;
[error] found : mypackage.Class2.type
[error] required: (?, ?) => ?
[error] jsonFormat2(Class2)
If we look at the code in jsonFormat2, the signature is:
def jsonFormat2[P1 :JF, P2 :JF, T <: Product :ClassManifest
(construct: (P1, P2) => T): RootJsonFormat[T] = { // ...
If I change the companion object name (e.g. to MyClass2) it will just work. So, it seems types are conflicting.
It seems like when dealing with typing, companion objects would not be able to be named like the class they go with.
Could somebody please explain why this is happening, if there is a limitation, or otherwise how to work it around, so companion object can be used with the same name?
? – Avestan