I am getting "can only concatenate list (not "MultiValue") to list" highlighting map (float portion, while running below resampling, this code is very commonly used throughout image segmentation like lungs etc, I am thinking maybe this is issue with Python 3 and was working for earlier versions, any help is much appreciated:
id = 0
imgs_to_process =
def resample(image, scan, new_spacing=[1,1,1]):
# Determine current pixel spacing
spacing = map(float, ([scan[0].SliceThickness] + scan[0].PixelSpacing))
spacing = np.array(list(spacing))
resize_factor = spacing / new_spacing
new_real_shape = image.shape * resize_factor
new_shape = np.round(new_real_shape)
real_resize_factor = new_shape / image.shape
new_spacing = spacing / real_resize_factor
image = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(image, real_resize_factor)
return image, new_spacing
print ("Shape before resampling\t", imgs_to_process.shape)
imgs_after_resamp, spacing = resample(imgs_to_process, patient, [1,1,1])
print ("Shape after resampling\t", imgs_after_resamp.shape)